

1..the karma or kam festival is widly prevalent among the tribal people of sundargarh, mayurbhanja, sambalpur, balangir, denkanal. and keojhar.

2.it is also observed by the low-caste Hindus of the areas.

3.the tribes in odisha who observeit with great devotion  are Ho kisan, kol, bhumi,  Oraon, bhuiyan and binjhas. i am also binjhal jagatram binjhal in this festival the presiding deity is either karan a god or 'karamsani' a goddess who is represented with a branch of karam tree.

4.its celebration takes place in the bright half of the month  of bhadrab( August -September ) during the rainy season.

4.mostly it is held on the 11th day of the bright fortnight. in the ritual people  go to the jungle, accompanied  by groups of  drummers, and cut one or more branches of karam  tree.

5. the  branches are mostly carried by unmarried young girls, who sing in praiseof the deity then the brabches arebrought to the village and planted in the centre if ground ,

6.which is plastered with cow-dung and decorated with flowers.

7.then the tribal-priest my father was a jhankar(jhankar or dehuri) offers germinated grams and liquor in propitionto the deity who grants wealth and children.

8.Afowl is also killed and the blood is offered to the branch. Then he narrates a legend to the villagers about the efficiency of karam pooja. The legends vary from tribe-tribe.

9.Among the bhumij, Ho and Oraons, the legend prevalent is that there were seven brothers living together.. The six elders  used to work  in the field and the youngest was  staying at home.he used to indulge in singing round a karm tree in the courtyard with his six sisters -un-law. One day they were so engrossed that the morning mealof the brothers could not be carriedto field by their respective wives.

10.the youngest brother left home in anger. Then bad days fell on the brothers. Their house was damaged the crops failed and they virtually starved  while wandering the youngest brother found the karam tree floating in the river.

11.the festival is observed in two ways firstlty it is commonly held by the villagers  on the village  streets and the  expenses on liqor etc.are collectively  borne. Alternatively  it is celebrated  by a man in this couryard under his  patronage to which he invites all. Even people who come uninveted listening  to the sound  of drums arw also intetaiment with liqor.

12.କରମଶାନି ମାକି ଜୟ 




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